Wolfie (Usman)
Snr. Software Engineer
Putting tech in FinTech.
Developing microservices for financial processes using Java on AWS cloud infrastructure focusing on IaC and CI/CD.
I graduated from University of Trento in Computer Sciences with specialization in Data Management and Information Processing.
Do not be afraid of the developers — we generally don’t eat people, at least usually we don’t. ~__~ (Inspired from Gentoo)
My Research Publications
My research interests include "Data Analytics", "Pattern Recognition", and "Operation Research".
Google Scholar ProfileBook Chapter
- M. Arif, Fayyaz A. Afsar M.U. Akram, and A. Fida, Arif Index for Predicting the Classification Accuracy of Features and its Application in Heart Beat Classification Problem, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Ed. Thanaruk Theeramunkong, Boonserm Kijsirkul, Tu-Bao Ho, PAKDD2009 Proceedings, LNAI 5476, pp. 491-498, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. (online</a>)
Journal Publications
- Pruned fuzzy K-nearest neighbor classifier for beat classification, Muhammad Arif, Muhammad Usman Akram, Fayyaz-ul-Afsar Amir Minhas, pp.380-389, DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2010.34053, 2010.
Conference Papers
- Arrhythmia Beat Classification using Pruned Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier, M. Arif, M.U. Akram, Fayyaz A. Afsar, Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, SoCPaR, 2009
- A Pruned Fuzzy k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier with Application to Electrocardiogram Based Cardiac Arrhythmia Recognition, F.A. Afsar, M.U. Akram, M. Arif and J. Khurshid, Multitopic Conference, 2008. INMIC 2008. IEEE International
Research Reports and Theses
- Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval (Report: Question Classification)
- Data & Information Integration (Report: Improving Rearch Engine reults using Integration Techniques)
- Machine Learning (Report: Arrhythmia Recognition using Local SVM)
- Mathematical Cryptography (Report: Research Number Generators)
- Pervasive Computing (Report: Resurce Recommendation using CBR)
- Thesis (Biomedical Signal Processing) - Automatic Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmias using ECG Signal Processing (Summary)